Day 5 – Presented by Nicole @nicole_rn - #Virahadrasana1 or
From high lunge with the right knee bent, engage both legs.
Inhale and place the hands on the bent knee, keep the knee over the ankle.
Hands move to hips, keeping the hips and shoulders square. Bring the shoulders
back and open the chest. On inhale, reach the arms overhead with palms facing
each other. If you don’t have neck or back issues you can look up, otherwise
keep your gaze forward. Inhale into the
chest and abdomen; on exhale continue to press your feet, fingers, and top of
the head; continue breathing and try to do this for 3 to 6 breaths.
Please make sure to honor your body and only do what you are
comfortable with. If you are under a doctor’s care, please check with them
first before attempting any of the poses.
This pose helps strengthens the legs, opens the hips and
chest and stretches the arms and legs. It develops concentration, balance and being
grounded, along with improving circulation and respiration and energizes the
entire body.
Remember, we are all warriors and need to be strong whether
it is for our own battle or someone we love. Together we can do this, together
we can do anything!! I am in awe of the
response we have gotten for this challenge and have honestly loved seeing all
of yours poses! Keep up the great work and spreading awareness!
#AWARENESS - There is a free webinar hosted by OCRFA,
presented by Dr. Elizabeth Swisher, on research efforts. It will be on
Thursday, 9/22/2016 at 6 PM/ET and it will last one hour. If interested, you can register
at the OCRFA website and see the info about at the link in my bio. (See the link below, although it is time sensitive and the webinar may not be posted by the time you are reading this.)
#Hamsa yoga top from @fourseeapparel * My Mala necklace and
bracelet are from @beadsbymelissa * and my #yogamat is from @liforme and it is
the #RollsRoyceofYogaMats
See @crizia_rn_yoga for Day 6’s (Saturday, 9/17) pose tomorrow
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